Get performer events
Get performer’s whole informations and the events in which they take part. You can use it to create a page for the performer.
It is the "access_token" returned after login
It is the "access_token" returned after login
Path Parameters
Performer object
The lowest price for the event in euros. If it's null, we don't know the price.
The highest price for the event in euros. If it's null, we don't know the price.
This attribute is a boolean which is set to ‘true’ when a good deal on the event is identified during integration (discount, early bird ticket, preferential rate, etc.). One of the sources has 'isGoodDeal' set to true.
This is the image compressed.
This is the date on which the event became unavailable. Either because all the places have been sold or because there is no more availability.
This is the date on which the event was cancelled.
Contains enriched place information retrieved from the Google Places API.
The formatted address of the place.
Description on
Description on
Description on
Represents the original place information as provided by ticketing partners.
The unique identifier of the place in the Google Places API.
Deprecated, look at the ‘averageGrade’ of ‘googlePlace’.
Deprecated, look at the ‘totalGrades’ of ‘googlePlace’.
The lowest price for the event in euros. If it's null, we don't know the price
The highest price for the event in euros. If it's null, we don't know the price
This attribute is a boolean which is set to ‘true’ when a good deal on this event source is identified during integration (discount, early bird ticket, preferential rate, etc.).
Deprecated, use "commissionPerTicket" and "commissionPerCart" instead.
The affiliate link to buy tickets.
For some events, ‘availableDates’ is incomplete, and to indicate that information about the event's availability is missing, we set 'cantRetrieveAvailableDates' to true.
This is the date on which the event became unavailable. Either because all the places have been sold or because there is no more availability.
It's an array of all the categories of the event. Some of these objects are ‘sub-categories’ and others are 'main categories'. For a main category, 'subCategory' is null, while for a sub-category, ‘subCategory’ is not null and ‘mainCategory’ has the same value as the main category.
During integration, we also retrieve all the comments/grades made about the event. ‘AverageGrade’ is simply the average of these ratings.
During integration, we also retrieve all the comments/grades made about the event. 'totalGrades' is simply the number of these ratings.
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